Monday 17 November 2008

BAF Awards Bradford

Well we're back, loved the trip was great in so many ways! Got to finally know everyone on our course and think I've gathered everyones names which is always helpful. The festival itself was fantastic, its definitely completely broadened my horizon which was before extremely shallow. The films that inspired me the most where Fears of The Dark which was really interesting for how the film just kept jumping in and out of various animation styles and compelling stories. Idiots and Angels though quite long I loved the style ; very sketchy but really alive and without the dialogue it still managed to engage me which is really unusual for me. I loved so many of the films that were on but admittedly didn't take to quite a few but thats what made the great ones fantastic.

Top 3 probably were Dance with the Devil which was the music video with some shocking images that was really powerful and I loved the music. Skhizein was probably my favourite storyline with some really creative animation the style was really absorbing. My favorite CGI was one of the student films: Decendants. It was so sharp and slick I couldnt believe it was done by students and I'm still skeptical but it should have won an award! RIGGED! Actually one more the Cat film and also there was a black and white 2D with marching guys which I need to know the name of! Anyone?

My favorite event of the week however was the talk with Curtis Jobbling who is a bit of a legend it has to be said, I really enjoyed his talk and workshop and it really helped. Gave us all some sound advice and has made me think much more creatively about drawing characters, hope to get some more talks with him. Bad points of the week: Storyboarding talk canceled, SEGA guy talk in the Uni was a bit of an anticlimax he has inspired me for my up and coming talk as he was quite introverted in his talk, so at least he, who has been in the business for something like 15 years still gets nervous.

Anyway all in all fun times look foward to this week now!

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